Title: Decision and Control Strategies for Smart Energy Communities.
Abstract: A powerful solution contributing to the digital and green
transformation of sustainable cities is represented by smart energy
communities. The term ‘smart energy community’ denotes a collection of
users (private, public, or mixed) located in a specific reference
area, where all stakeholders – such as end-users (e.g., citizens,
companies, etc.), market players (e.g., utilities, service providers),
practitioners, planners and policy-makers – actively cooperate for the
intelligent optimization of energy costs and efficiency using
innovative technology to build and operate a sustainable system.
While smart energy communities typically encompass various types of
energy exchanges, in this talk we focus on electricity, whose share in
the world energy consumption is rapidly increasing and is currently at
more than 20%. Independently from the implemented architecture, the
success of smart electrical energy communities relies on the
deployment of suitable decision and control mechanisms that
efficiently and widely exploit renewable sources and distributed
storage, while enabling the application of measures oriented to
cost-effectiveness, sustainability, and reliability.
In this context, the talk presents innovative decision and control
frameworks, such as game-theoretic methodologies, for smart electrical
energy communities composed of heterogenous actors equipped with
trading and sharing service-oriented energy systems.
The effectiveness of the presented approaches is shown through several examples.